Sunday, December 18, 2011

TOP 50 November / December 2011

TOP 50

1)Tony Iommi IRON MAN My Journey through Heaven & Hell with Black Sabbath
Read interview:

2)PLASTIC OCEAN by Captain Charles Moore

3)Ding Dong! The Witch Is Back!: The Fifth Estate, 1964-1969

4)Farren Butcher Inc: The Chemistry is Undeniable

by Joe Viglione May - 22 - 2011

“Hold Me Back” opens the debut cd from the pairing of Charlie Farren with Jon Butcher, a modern day Hall & Oates or Chad & Jeremy, if you will, with some gusto and double guitar power. Now it isn’t a stretch to say they totally mopped the production of the Tremeloes great rendition of Cat Steven’s “Here Comes My Baby” (1967 nugget that George Skaubitis likes as well!) …the party atmosphere also on the Beach Boys “Barbara Ann” or even Jay & The Americans’ rip of La Bamba that was “Come A Little Bit Closer”, meaning the boys are opening their disc with some fun.

The vivacious and effervescent spell is only a glimpse of what the pair have in store. “Rolling” is a jazzy kind of Pink Panther soundtrack out-take, sort of like Charlie’s own “The Livin’ Daylights” which SHOULD have been a James Bond theme. The re-working of “Deja Blue” is nice and very necessary, as are “East Coast/West Coast” (a Joe Perry Project staple, of course) and Butcher’s own “New Man”. The chemistry between these two is undeniable…and rockers with a history should consider teaming up in this fashion because when you hear “Love Story” and “Soul Mate” you’ll understand the magic that their following has enjoyed for years. “Heaven On A Railroad Train” would have been perfect with Jimi Hendrix sitting in.

Frank Dello Stritto's VAMPIRE OVER LONDON: Bela Lugosi in Britain

6 Rex Trailer and Mike Bavaro on Visual Radio #500

7)Donna Halper returns to Visual Radio - our first Thursday night Visual Radio Live

8)Tom Cooper on final Friday night Visual Radio Live
Boston band SUNDANCE 7-22-11

9)Susan Cattaneo Band

10 Jon Macey INTENTION

Watch the first video

Review by Craig Fenton

Jon Macey “Intention”
Since the end of the 1970’s I haven’t changed my declaration and lack of excitability when it comes to musical artists from any genre unfastening their labor. There has been only a smattering of vinyl and CD releases that my ears and stomach can sanction. Jon Macey possesses the uncommonness to have satisfied an old rocker’s musical palate as part of a band and in a solitary setting.
Jon Macey is co-founder of one of the finest New England groups Fox Pass during the 1970’s. Their eclectic mix combined brilliant elements of the Beatles, underground, and Power Pop (before the term reached its embryonic stage). Fox Pass performs to this day and their last release in 2010 “Intemporel” illuminates well in any collection.
Jon’s “Intention” must have been to take the most formidable path before the CD reached fruition. Instead of seeking the comfort zone of previous successes he eyeballed another plateau on the rock and roll mountain. The fifteen tracks are outside the margins of the up-tempo 60’s and 70’s style tunes he has conceptualized during the decades of yesteryear. From the opening note to closing credits the sounds are defined by acoustic Jon or unplugged Macey.
An artist doesn’t gain endorsements for style points. A change in the compass’s direction normally spells implosion in neon. Paul Simon’s Graceland superseded greatness not because of the risk of leaving the dazzling folk-rock/singer songwriter kingdom he commanded but for the whole effect of the results.
John Macey (lead vocals, acoustic guitar, and production) with a little help from his friends, Bruce Demaree (percussion and all but the kitchen sink), Clara Kebabian (violin), Rich Lamphear (acoustic guitar), Mike Pyle (electric guitar), Tamaki Sakakibara (vocals), and Lynn Shipley (vocals and production) lead us to a comprehensive look at a mirror darkened, moldy, and cracked with memories of days hard to recapture, the agony others have caused, our own shortcomings, and reasons to persevere nevertheless.
Using influences from The Band, Bob Dylan, Joe Jackson, John Mellencamp, Willie Nile, and Graham Parker we are brought to the harshness of reality during the opening number “Trapped.” As Jon conveys the message many of us thirty and over relate to “I’m outdated”, the CD takes us on an excursion that will never be mistaken for the land of elegance.
“Pine Island” broadcasts with impeccable clarity “It's too late for a mid-life crisis, it's too soon to just close our eyes'.”
“Look Both Ways” is in the realm of the Rolling Stones “Waiting On A Friend” in structure only. Jon’s message isn’t about the impending arrival but fate, reality, and sculpturing your own story. “Criminal At Heart” may conjure sounds of Ritchie Valens performing “La Bamba” but Jon’s proclamation is “You’re a criminal at heart, playing with emotions.”
“Jefferson County, Early November” is eerie and harrowing, still with one eye open and the other exempt from the elements we go down to the bone yard. Is it the cemetery ravaged through the years or a slang term for finding old ships that have lost the will to sail?
After the initial listening you are left gulping, wanting to comprehend all facets of the journey. Is it an episode from the “Twilight Zone” or man’s continuing appalling treatment of all things living?

The production that encompasses “Intention” is stellar. You can feel the guitar pick hitting the E string. Few albums the past thirty-two years have made such an impact warranting endless return listens.

All the best,
Craig Fenton
Jefferson Airplane “Take Me To a Circus Tent”
Jefferson Starship “Have You Seen The Stars Tonite”

12) Movie Reviews / Sabotage Times



by Joe Viglione

Ten Wheel Drive was a highly influential rock/jazz group not afraid to push the envelope while exploring various musical styles. Though musicians came and went, including the original lead vocalist, by the time the fourth album was released, the records have stood the test of time, influencing the successful Bette Midler breakthrough film The Rose, inspiring women with the drive and ambition to front their own group in a once male-dominated industry, getting sold on auction sites like Ebay to be discovered by new generations of music lovers. The original lead vocalist and founding member, Genya Ravan, spoke with AMG concerning how she formed the band: "I went to see Billy Fields, he was going to manage me. read more here:

14)Music Review: Cali P’s The Strong

by Joe Viglione November - 8 - 2011

Cali P’s The Strong opens with an eerie Science Fiction keyboard and call-to-attention drum roll with a new millennium nod to revolution reminding one of the soul behind Thunderclap Newman’s epic “Something In The Air” which was a call-to-arms for a different time. “I’m a fighter, so I keep on fighting…defending the defending the right thing”…hooks galore make this a poppy, catchy and
also haunting escapade with images and colorful sounds that permeate the production in a way that keeps the listener’s attention moving to different areas of this record. “This is Cali P” he sings toward the end …short and sweet at three minutes and ten seconds, the way I like my music.

Promo person extraordinaire Racquel A. Reynolds tells us that The Strong is from the Inspired Studio in Kingston Jamaica and is a track from the award-winning movie The Grand Bizarre (Best movie, 2011). The song is available on ITunes.

Joe Viglione is the Chief Film Critic at He was a film critic for Al Aronowitz’s The Blacklisted Journal, has written thousands of reviews and biographies for, and produces and hosts Visual Radio. Visual Radio is a fifteen year old variety show on cable TV which has interviewed John Lennon’s Uncle Charlie, Margaret Cho, Ray Manzarek, John Densmore, Felix Cavaliere, Marty Balin, Bill Press and hundreds of other personalities.

15)GALLAGHER on Visual Radio


Elliot Murphy Sings Elliot Murphy

By Joe Viglione

Elliot Murphy, like Garland Jeffreys, continues to put his stream-of-consciousness ideas out into the universe, cyberspace being an interesting avenue for these hard-working street poets. Five of the tracks on the eponymous Elliot Murphy disc (his 35th or something around that incredible mark) are his alone, Olivier Durand co-writing four of the compositions, Iggy Strange-Dahl co-writing two. With song names like “Gone Gone Gone”, “Rock'n Roll 'N Rock'n Roll” and “Rain Rain Rain” it is almost like a Talking Heads album rife with one-word titles in triplicate…a Ramones-moment for the folk crowd?

The closing track – six minutes and eighteen seconds of “Train Kept A Rolling” has nothing to do with Jeff Beck, Jimmy Page or Aerosmith…it’s more like Ian Hunter going deep into a soul-ful mood, not soul, more introspection, and very good. However the three and a half minute “Maybe You Were Laughing” would be a great cover song FOR Ian Hunter, ….”It’s just me and my monkey, and we’re all nearly the same” sings Murphy and Mott The Hoople could have a field day with it. 11 tracks cover about forty-five minutes and its an impressive effort from a rock & roll soldier that should light up NPR and college radio, and maybe get some traction on adult alternative (does such a format still, really, exist?) with “Maybe You Were Laughing.” Here’s to the next 35…


Preview: Mitch Ryder At Kowloon – June 9, 2011

by Joe Viglione June - 9 - 2011

They’re calling it Motor City Madness when Mitch Ryder and his Detroit Wheels meet James Montgomery Blues Band at 8 PM Thursday night, June 9 at 8 PM at the Kowloon – 948 Broadway (Route 1, North), Saugus, Massachusetts. This is being billed as the “Only New England appearance of the “Godfather of Blue-eyed Soul”…and I can go with that…the hits “Devil With a Blue Dress On”, “Good Golly Miss Molly”, “Sock It To Me Baby”, “Jenny Takes A Ride” and more will rock the venerable restaurant up on the hill of Route 1 North. read more here:

18)Steven Tyler Talks Rock on Dateline Tonight with Matt Lauer
by Joe Viglione May - 16 - 2011

Anyone who didn’t think Steve Tyler and American Idol were a good match …well, think again. As Guitar Hero®: Aerosmith® was a way for the iconic Boston group to bring renewed attention to their catalog, so too is having Tyler’s star power on American Idol keeping the group front and center. Anyone who believes Tyler when he looks Matt Lauer in the eye and says “We’re fighting right now,” well…c’mon…so are Mick and Keith…and they continue to fight…right to the bank.

19)Sy Fy Channel’s The Almighty Thor vs. Thor: Hammer Of The Gods

Posted by Joe Viglione On May - 9 - 2011

James Bond creator Ian Fleming was born in May (28th) of 1906 and was 56 when he passed on in 1964, but his creation opened the door for big budget comic book hero movies. This is not one of them! The Almighty Thor is a curious concoction, broadcast on Sy Fy – a channel which is trying to redefine Sci-Fi and should have kept the spelling to how Forrest J. Ackerman originally coined it. The low-budget made-for-tv movie culled from Norse mythology (oh – don’t confuse this with Marvel Comics – the channel winks at you from the corner of its eye) is a boring two hours of bad acting, mediocre writing and a thorough waste of my time. Maybe the kids of today want as much Thor or any other comic book hero as they can get their hands on…if not, what was the point? Read the rest of this entry »

In a “Virtual Roundtable” with Industrial Light and Magic Visual Effects Supervisor, Bill George, I and other critics got to chat with Bill online for two hours on Tuesday, May 17, 2011 at noon, Eastern time.

Unlike the in-person roundtable interviews with Jodie Foster and Michael Moore, I don’t know if I am (or was) #4, #5 or 007! …but here is some of the interview along with a review of the terrific DVD release of I AM NUMBER FOUR.

21)X-MEN First Class Is The Best Of The Five X-MEN Films

Posted by Joe Viglione On June - 3 - 2011

X-MEN First Class is – arguably – the best of the five X-MEN films, thus far.

It is all that it promises, a big, expensive and glitzy summer box office smash that will delight and thrill. Superhero stories have gone beyond being adventures for comic book fans only, having plunged headfirst into the mainstream, especially the X-Men. This comic book franchise’s personalities evolved into major Marvel characters after initially finding themselves second fiddle to The Fantastic Four, somewhere between The Avengers and The Inhumans. The good news is that, despite some incidental flaws, X-Men First Class should have real staying power. Read the rest of this entry »

22)Movie Review: The Source Code

by Joe Viglione April - 1 - 2011
Duncan Jones did a wonderful job directing and co-writing the 2009 cult-hit Moon. He returns in 2011 with a cerebral revisit to the land of agoraphobia with something that is more like the Matrix than a first glance would reveal. Using one set repeatedly takes great scriptwriting and direction, television used the idea to good effect with every comedy bit from The Honeymooners to The Golden Girls, but keeping a sci-fi audience’s attention takes real Harlan Ellison/Robert Bloch/Philip K. Dick skill and Ben Ripley does a fine job with that. The advance press notes that Jake Gyllenhaal sought out Duncan Jones and in an interview with Jones conducted in Boston on March 22nd the director had praise for – and examples of – Gyllenhaal’s expert abilities…the end result is a mind-blowing experience that will stand up to repeated spins on DVD.

Mel Gibson has made an entire career out of playing characters with borderline personality disorder. Impulsive actions, unstable moods and chaotic relationships go beyond the desperate Tom Mullen in 1996′s Ransom, the internal struggle as Justin McLeod in 1993′s The Man Without a Face, and maybe the strangest – Jerry Fletcher in 1997′s Conspiracy Theory where he’s obsessed with Erin Brockovich (ok, ok Julie Roberts) and says in a Taxi Cab “I, uh, I have some problems.” He’s really got some problems in The Beaver…and for anyone who has watched the Oz television series where the lovable psychotic Cyril O’Reily (played by Scott William Winters) wears a Beaver hand-puppet, well, director Jodie Foster takes it very much to the next level. Read the rest of this entry »

24)The Sacred Triangle: David Bowie, Lou Reed, Iggy Pop 1971-1973 David Bowie's 65th Birthday 1-8-12

by Joe Viglione April - 19 - 2011
To those fascinated by the work of Lou Reed, Iggy Pop and David Bowie in the “golden era” of 1971-1973, this DVD is an interesting sideways look at the time through the eyes of Angie Bowie, Warhol Factory’s Billy Name, authors Victor Bockris, Davie Thompson and others. That all three men are still alive and breathing – and giving interviews – makes the Sacred Triangle a different perspective rather than the last word on how these three pioneers blended their talents. It’s especially enlightening when one gets to see and hear Thompson and Bockris, two writers who have investigated this point in time at length…Bockris with his books on Warhol and Lou Reed (entitled Transformer), Thompson who has an entire book on this very DVD titled “Your Pretty Face Is Going To Hell: The Dangerous Glitter of David Bowie, Iggy Pop and Lou Reed”.

25)Vanilla Fudge Live at the Regent Theater

by Joe Viglione March - 28 - 2011

Saturday evening, March 26, 2011 Vanilla Fudge rocked the Regent Theater over on 7 Medford St., in Arlington Massachusetts, The venerable old hall which first opened in 1916 had Little Anthony & The Imperials perform there in the 1960s, but for most of the latter part of the 20th century, it was a wonderful old movie house. Now as a concert hall / movie theater there’s new energy and new life in the hall…and this exquisite show only proves the importance of saving these regional theaters wherever they may be in the world.

Bassist Pete Bremy joined original members Vince Martell (guitar & vocals), drummer Carmine Appice and lead singer/keyboard player Mark Stein. The theater was pretty much packed and…in a room that contains the volume, the Fudge used the dynamics of their sound to their advantage, blasting the roof off, when necessary, and bringing it down so that you could hear the proverbial pin drop. “Take Me For A Little While”, a masterpiece of pop music, was played to perfection with “Season Of The Witch”, “Eleanor Rigby” and other VF staples getting the treatment. As the group used to headline over Led Zeppellin in the early days, a killer “Dazed & Confused” with Appice sounding like he was playing on the original 1967-ish Jeff Beck Group albums (where Aynsley Dunbar did the honors…and I never understood why millions and millions of Zeppelin fans never grabbed copies of those two Beck classic which are so Yardbird-esque…but that’s a story for another day)…here was the VF/Cactus/Beck-Bogert-Appice drummer giving a clinic, not only on the John Bonham-heavy “Dazed & Confused” but with his show solo as well. The audience was all middle-aged…and people knew each other from the era (and the Boston area club scene) so the socializing was as key as the music being appreciated.

26)Movie Review: The Eagle (of the 9th)

Posted by Joe Viglione On February - 11 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Director Kevin MacDonald’s follows director Domenic Sena’s Season Of The Witch by about a month, both films displaying sword fighting four years after Zack Snyder’s 300 brought the blood fests into vogue. While Season Of The Witch is an intriguing paean to the Hammer Films / American International Pictures of the 1960s (especially Roger Corman’s Edgar Allen Poe movies), The Eagle sports multiple intriguing plots that push veteran actors Donald Sutherland and Denis O’Hare way into the background, and a not-so-thinly veiled homosexual undercurrent between the master, Roman soldier Marcus Aquila (Channing Tatum) and his British slave, Esca (Jamie Bell). Telling the story set in 135 A.D. with these two enemies building a deep friendship and devotion is less blatant but (in a very quiet and subtle way) more intense than Brokeback Mountain. Perhaps because Jake Gyllenhall’s Jack Twist and Heath Ledger’s Ennis Del Mar didn’t come with Uncle Donald Sutherland purchasing one to attend to the other, Gyllenhall/Twist’s passive role couldn’t overcome Ledger/Del Mar’s self-hatred. As the hatred that Esca and Marcus have was inbred they have opportunities to overcome it. Starting with Marcus showing mercy to a slave that displayed absolutely no fear in a David vs. Goliath battle where Esca was a mere bull to be slaughtered for the pleasure of those in attendance.

27)Borderline Eleven: Read Between The Lines

by Joe Viglione February - 14 - 2011

It’s not an earthquake in Hooksett, New Hampshire, it’s the release of a nine-song CD by the area’s favorite sons, Borderline Eleven. Outside of some acoustics, as on the final track “2 A.M.”, the group offers a non-stop onslaught of heavy guitar battling spitfire vocals of Dan Charpentier (who also plays rhythm). The riffs are inventive and the four band mates – backing vocalist/drummer Andy Mason, backing vocalist/bassist Joe Campbell and lead guitar/backing vocalist Luke Mason – do have a sound that shows the potential to blossom in a great way.

“The Fight” is brash while “747” has nuances that cry out for stronger production. The lyrics are pretty good on this one too, and with anticipated jamming on the club scene that distinctness should be pushing through the rumblings…especially as they spend more time in the studio. The press kit says they’ve been jamming since 2005 and with six of the nine tunes coming in under the four minute mark they have the pop sensibility needed to keep that general audience which appears to have a more limited attention span clued-in on their gospel.

29)Movie Review: Paul Is A Disposable Movie (Trailer)

by Joe Viglione March - 20 - 2011

A Boston band called The Machines had a 45 RPM entitled “Disposable Music”, which was a premonition of things to come…not all the music in 2011 as collector-oriented as that from just a few decades before.

And along the lines of that tune, the film Paul is a disposable movie, mildly entertaining, something to do for a day or evening, but at times so cloying with its predictable jokes that it inevitably turns into a bit of a roller coaster ride at a theme park…something to do once in a great while but not enticing enough to draw you back too soon. Like the movie trailer where the Seth Rogan-voiced alien, “Paul” resurrects a bird only to kill it again…by eating it, the jokes are sometimes unfunny or funny for just one spin.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

October Top 40 2011

#2 Bela Lugosi - an essay by Joe Viglione

#3 Sara Karloff








#40 THE THING Movie prequel/remake

Monday, September 12, 2011

Hurtsmile & Genya Raven lead the pack!


Watch for a more vibrant Top 40 from Joe Vig...collected writings of the host of Visual Radio! We're bringing the Top 40 into 4 different sections. If you want us to change back to the original 40 with everything scattered about, let me know

Joe Viglione





Full disclosure after you read the review. Back in 1986 I chose this Lee Michael tune when Jimmy Miller and I were producing the legendary BUDDY GUY. Miller cut the basics with Joe Perry Project drummer Joe Pet slamming away with Buddy's band. I flew Genya in from New York to Warren Rhode Island to sing on that version, and Michael Barackman, A & R man at Capitol/EMI back in the day (1986/1987) thought the choice of song was perfect for Buddy Guy.

Alas, none of the labels offered enough money for the project, Buddy's next album becoming the Grammy winner which prompted New Kids On The Block producer Michael Jonzun to say "Everyone loves Buddy. Joe Vig was right." That and a buck and I get a cup of coffee, but it is nice to be acknowledged by one of my heroes! And equally as nice for Aunty Genya to put this magical song back in circulation with her terrific solo rendition.

The group: HURTSMILE


Opening like a great Rolling Stones or early Alice Cooper Group track to sparkle, dazzle and grab ya with a hook, Hurtsmile's album cover (see above) looks like the lost Beach Boys album SMILE if you look at it quick.
This track is hard-hitting with Gary Cherone snarling like vintage Johnny Rotten from the Sex Pistols. Mark Cherone on guitars crackles with Dana Spellman's drums as solid as Charlie Watts and Joe Pessia's bass pounding away. This should be played every hour on WAAF. Solid.


The publicist notes that "double-disc Rainbow CD, Live In Germany, from Eagle Rock Entertainment, features Ritchie Blackmore, Dio and drummer Cozy Powell. There are those who say this is the ultimate Rainbow lineup and although they only recorded one album together (Rising), this documents their onstage majesty." Review to follow




6)Janis Joplin PEARL DELUXE

Full John Till Interview on Visual Radio 54 views as of 9-12-11

John Till appeared on Visual Radio for the 42nd Anniversary of WOODSTOCK on August 18, 2011.
680 views of the 8 minute YouTube clip as of September 12, 2011

7)Elliot Murphy

8)Paul Rodgers and Friends live at Montreux

9)Canned Heat Live at Montreux


Disc 1 has an interesting rendition of "FIRE" - the Arthur Brown song that Carl Palmer played on.
Track Listing
1. Touch and Go
2. Hang on to a Dream
3. 21st Century Schizoid Man
4. Fire
5. Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade / The Gnome / Promenade / The Sage / The Hut Of Baba Yaga / The Great Gates Of Kiev
6. I Believe in Father Christmas
7. Introductory Fanfare / Peter Gunn
8. Tiger in a Spotlight
9. Toccata
10. Trilogy
11. Tank
12. Lucky Man




3)True Grit DVD


Johnny Cash with Ron Howard

Review by Frank Dello Stritto on Visual radio with Joe Vig



Full movie, but you have to put up with the advertisement on YouTube

7) Perry Mason Case of the Heartbroken Bride

8) Captain America

9)Why The Change-up Bombed: Over-The-Top Sex Jokes

10) Contagion Review by Joe V


1)Becoming Ray Bradbury

Part 1 of interview with Jonathan Eller

Part 2 of interview with Eller

2)Letters To Jackie

3)Rock Roadie

4) PASSION Erotic Writing
Rachel Kramer Bussel, editor

Bussel appeared on Visual Radio via phone on September 15, 2011

5) PASSION edited by Rachel Kramer Bussel






The Joe Vig Top 40 Bonus Tracks

1) Ian Lloyd's Stories / Social Hero live at the Cantab 9-10-11

2) John Till in the Winchester Star, TMR Zoo
Forty-two years ago on Aug. 17, 1969, Janis Joplin performed at Woodstock with her Kozmic Blues band. The guitarist onstage with Janis, John Till, went on to form the Full Tilt Boogie Band with the legendary singer, which resulted in the classic LP, "Pearl."

A year later, Joplin and Till would visit the Boston area – performing at Harvard Stadium in Cambridge, Aug. 12, 1970.

Till told the Winchester Star:

"I’ve been to Boston a few times, and always had a good time there. The final live concert that Janis ever played was at Harvard Stadium, Aug.12, 1970. Of course none of us in the band ever imagined that it would be the last time, but we had a great time while we were there!
The Stadium was jam packed and noisy that afternoon.
The band’s dressing room was a small house trailer along one side of the of the field right by the seating area.
So close we could shake hands with the people when we opened the trailer door. There were several cases of beer on ice in the trailer that we couldn’t ever have finished so we handed dozens of bottles out the door to the people.
There were a lot of thumbs up each time we did that. It was a hot day."
You can hear John Till interviewed on WinCAM's Visual Radio Live, tonight at 8 p.m, Aug. 18, 2011, talking about Woodstock and other aspects of his career.

Read more: TODAY Guitarist John Till of the Kozmic Blues band on WinCAM radio - Winchester, MA - The Winchester Star


Winchester Star:
TODAY Guitarist John Till of the Kozmic Blues band on WinCAM radio - Winchester, MA - The Winchester Star

Eleven titles were released in 1987 when Ryko Distribution issued Live At Winterland from The Jimi Hendrix Experience. The potent new team of Experience Hendrix with Sony Legacy issuing a quartet of Hendrix music – an expanded edition of the venerable old lp Hendrix in The West, Murray Lerner’s Blue Wild Angel: Jimi Hendrix Live at the Isle of Wight (DVD), a DVD with every Hendrix appearance on the Dick Cavett Show and another four discs, a box set of Jimi Hendrix Live at Winterland.

This review will focus on Winterland, specifically disc 4. With 9 tracks each on discs one and two, eleven on disc three, the fourth is called the “bonus disc” which includes a revealing backstage interview from the Boston Garden (about a month after the Winterland shows) as track seven preceded by six selections: “Foxey Lady” (10/12/68), “Are You Experienced” (10/10/68), “Voodoo Child (Slight Return)” 10/10/68, “Red House” (10/10/68), “Star Spangled Banner” (10/11/68) and “Purple Haze” (10/11/68). Now we purists, of course, may have preferred all three double dates (six shows in all, two each night) issued in the order as Jimi performed the titles…that concert experience times six, top to bottom, but just having the proper dates, the superb mastering, the booklet and more will have to suffice for the time being.

Read more here:

4)N.E. Patriots Rob Gronkowski on Visual Radio June 23, 2011
Posted June 25, 2011, 471 hits as of Sept. 13, 2011

5) Twin Berlin Live at WinCAM and CD




9) Interview with HURTSMILE's Michael Cherone



The Original New England Compact Disc & Record Expo
presented by Randolph Music

WHEN: September 25!


WHERE: Dedham Holiday Inn & Conference Center

WHO: These guests were scheduled for our April 10 event; they are now scheduled for September 25th:

Moulty of The Barbarians
Ed Bowen from WATD Radio!
and more special guests!

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

August 2011


Article on Perry Mason creator Earle Stanley Gardner who would have been 122 years of age July 17 Malden Observer, the city where Gardner was born

See also



February 2025 Ronnie Spector, Freddie King Janis Joplin Merilee Rush

  Siren Review by Joe Viglione There are many extraordinary things about Ronnie Spe...